Main Article on Name/Gender Change
Updated April 2021: Read my article on Name/Gender Change (it has been viewed over 13,00 times) and is regularly updated.
Marriage Equality Panel Discussion, April 10, 2013 at Bowen Law School
- Written by Administrator Administrator
- Last Updated: May 11, 2013 May 11, 2013
- Views: 7010 7010
LGTB law student group Bowen Lambda co-hosts Marriage Equality Panel Discussion at UALR Bowen School of Law
April 2, 2013
Bowen Lambda, the LGBT law student group at the UALR William H. Bowen School of Law, is co-hosting a panel discussion on Marriage Equality. The panel will focus on two cases pending before the United States Supreme Court. Hollingsworth v. Perry concerns Proposition 8 in California which prohibits marriage between individuals of the same sex. United States v. Windsor is about the Defense of Marriage Act. The Court heard oral arguments in Hollingsworth on Tuesday, March 27 and in Windsor on Wednesday, March 28.
Bowen Lambda co-founder, Michael V. Lauro, Jr., will be joining panelists Holly Dickson, Legal Director of the ACLU of Arkansas and Professor Terri Beiner, the Nadine Baum Distinguished Professor of Law at the Bowen School of Law. Prof. Beiner is also the faculty advisor to Bowen Lambda.
The panel discussion takes place on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 from 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. in the Friday Courtroom at the UALR William H. Bowen School of Law. Light hors d'oeuvres will be served. The law school is located at 1201 McMath Avenue, in Little Rock, Arkansas.
2012 Transgender Law Institute
- Written by MVL MVL
- Last Updated: March 29, 2013 March 29, 2013
- Views: 6480 6480
Transgender Law Institute - August 23, 2012 – Washington Hilton
The 2012 Transgender Law Institute will be held in Washington, DC on August 23rd as part of the National LGBT Bar Association’s Annual Lavender Law® Conference & Career Fair.
The Institute will allow experienced practitioners and academics focusing on legal issues affecting the transgender community to share their collective wisdom and to discuss cutting-edge legal strategies.
To create an environment that encourages the free flow of information, registration is limited. The meeting will be closed, the proceedings will not be recorded, and the Institute does not qualify for continuing legal education (CLE) credit.
To help guarantee that the level of discourse remains at a high level, and to ensure that all participants are able to contribute
meaningfully to the conversation, we are asking that interested parties submit their information on the following application:
Transgender Law Institute Application
For approved applicants, the cost to attend the Transgender Law Institute is included in the registration fee for the 2012 Lavender Law® Conference & Career Fair.
Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (202) 637-7661
Lavender Law 2012
- Written by MVL MVL
- Last Updated: March 29, 2013 March 29, 2013
- Views: 7943 7943
2012 Lavender Law Conference & Career Fair, National LGBT Bar Association – Washington D.C.
The National LGBT Bar Association is hosting its 2012 Lavender Law Conference & Career Fair to be held from August 23-25, 2012 in Washington D.C.
Each year, the Lavender Law Conference provides a challenging and rewarding learning experience for attendees and presenters. In addition to day-long seminars focused on family law and transgender issues, the 2012 conference will feature dozens of continuing legal education (CLE) workshops on cutting edge legal issues affecting LGBT individuals, their families and the community. Topics covered in recent years include marriage equality, HIV/AIDS, immigration, LGBT issues in criminal law, LGBT youth issues and many others.
The 2012 conference will also feature workshops geared specifically towards corporate counsel and business practitioners. Topics in previous years included intellectual property, outsourcing and globalization, best practices for winning business from clients interested in LGBT diversity, employment law issues from both the management and plaintiffs’ perspective and others. Distinguished speakers for the 2012 Lavender Law Conference will include representatives from Wells Fargo, Kellogg, Bank of America, Starbucks, Microsoft and many more!
If you are interested in being a presenter at the 2012 Lavender Law Conference, you can submit a workshop proposal by visiting: Submit a CLE Workshop Proposal.
Note: The deadline for Workshop Proposals has passed and was on Monday, April 2.
Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (202) 637-7661